Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wednesday Morning Melancholy

 Okay, so I've been writing like a lot lately and it's been so nice. I love writing, but its' hard sometimes when I get writers block and can't write anything! It's discouraging and disconcerting. Anyway, I"m back at it and you can check out what I've been so busy writing on this blog:
I've put essays, stories, poems, etc. on there so check it out and see what's going on in the literary world, haha!
So to get the point, this morning I was doing math and got super bored because I have never gotten along with math and I"m pretty sure it hates me too. And when I get bored I simply find a camera and take selfies, it's sorta an addiction! haha! So here are some that I took this morning : )
As you can tell, I was pretty bored!

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