Saturday, May 2, 2015

Avengers: Age of Ultron (spoiler alert!)

Okay, I just saw the 2nd Avengers and I LOVED it.
I was a little concerned that it would be too violent and have a ton of fighting scenes, but there was only one scene that got a little boring.
The relationship between the Hulk and Black Widow was beautiful. Bruce Banner just needed someone that loved him for who he was and who understood that hard place that he was in. Everyone needs love and attention and Bruce felt that he had become too much of a monster to be loved. But Black Widow gave him just what he needed and they found solace in one another like no one else could. Things were revealed about her that no one else knew. Together they created a bond that no one else would be able to break.
Tony Stark, after being influenced by the powers of another being, realized in a dream that he fell short of his duty as an Avenger. He began to think that he had to create a shield around the earth in order to protect those he loved. In doing so, he put those loved ones at risk from the thing he feared most. His insecurity led to journey that change each Avenger drastically, making them very different than when they first started out. He wanted to fit in and be the one to save them from the aliens that had once inhabited NY, but instead he created a monster that would inevitably try to kill mankind. He battled with the fact that he might be the reason for the death of the Avengers. But it was too late and he must finish the work he started. It was beautiful to see his journey as he realized he didn't have to be perfect or protect them from alien forces. The Avengers were made to work together and protect each other, not just one individual.
Together, Tony and Bruce realized that no matter what kind of monsters they were or had created, there was still time to turn back and be who they had once been.
Steve Rogers was forced to overcome his greatest sadness, the death of Peggy Carter and battle the monster that had been created. His journey as an Avenger was very hard, but through it all he upheld his morals and made sure that innocent people were not injured.
Two new characters were added to the realm of the Avengers creating yet another dynamic of power. Together the Avengers battled to overcome the monster Ultron and return the earth back as it had been.
It was a powerfully moving movie with a beautiful story line and I think the Avengers will live on in many fans minds as the world's greatest heroes.

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