Thursday, March 5, 2015

Self Acceptance

I've had a lot of issues with my self acceptance. I've always felt that I haven't matched up to the world's standards, and I've tried everything from posting notes around my room, to listening to inspirational music, but I always come back to: "I could be better. I'm not perfect. I should be someone different. Do people really LOVE me?" I know many teens struggle with this so please send feedback on this post : )
It's easy for me to sit here and give advice to you, but it seems completely different to me. I struggle every day accepting who and where I am and what I have done. I look at all the amazing and renowned people in the world and resort to the fact that I will never be a part of that. My heart feels trapped in my body, like I can't perfectly portray my inner self. Will I always have to resort to hiding my inner self? And why should I feel ashamed of who I am? When I think about it, what have I really done for people not to like me? But then what have I "not" done for people to like me? I'm not famous! To me, being an extrovert, to feel important means fame, but seriously! There's lots of extroverts that aren't famous, so what am I to do?
Just be myself and accept who and where I am in life. I'm Megan and I should feel lucky to be different. I hate how the world makes you feel inferior. You are you no matter how the world tries to fit you in their mold... and I'm preaching this to myself too : )

Here is a link that is pretty interesting and helpful : ) click here : )

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this with your readers <3 It takes courage to be so honest about our struggles. I think everyone, at one time or another, has had a hard time accepting themselves. But I'd also say that you're in an especially difficult season of life. Trust me, basically every adult today went through some kind of struggle like this as a young adult. It is okay. You're not weird or abnormal and there's nothing wrong with you for having thoughts like this. Every season of life has its challenges, but I remember how it felt to be a teenager trying to figure myself out. It is rough. It doesn't magically go away when you grow up, but it becomes easier to deal with.
    Remember this: It is okay to be imperfect. This is the lesson I've had to learn in the last couple years. I want to know that everything I do is perfect. But that's never going to happen. And I have to be okay with saying I did my best, even though it wasn't perfect. No one, besides yourself, expects you to be perfect.
    And as far as being loved...of course there are people who love you! <3 You will keep telling yourself that no one can possibly love you, but you have to trust us. When someone says they love you, they really mean it. And I say, I love you <3 <3 <3
    But I have a question for you: what does "love" mean to you? When you wonder if people love you, what do you mean? Just something to think about : )
    Your life is just beginning, and you have no idea what God has in store for you. You are who you are for a reason. There might be things you wish you were doing, but when you find what God wants you to do, you will be far happier. : )
    I think there's always going to be a part of you that no one knows or understands. No other human being can fully know another human being. But that doesn't mean you have to hide who you are. Be brave. Be kind. Everything will be okay <3
