Friday, December 26, 2014

The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies

I watched the 3rd Hobbit at the theater and I just couldn't believe how good it was!! Like I had read a lot of bad reviews but it turned out to be my favorite of the Hobbit movies :) I'm totally freaking out over Thranduil because I just LOVE him in this movie. And Tauriel's character really gets revealed more and it's just great to see all my favorite characters come back in this final movie : ) There are so many undertones and connections to the Lord of the Rings trilogy that I find really cool <3 Peter Jackson just doesn't stop amazing me with his awesome movies!!! I wish that he would do more Tolkien based movies, but he's probably really tired of it : )
Here is a beautiful song from the ending credits of the movie : )

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love this post! I totally agree with you that it was the best of the 3 movies!!!!! It's so sad there aren't any more to make : ( Peter Jackson is like a hero to have done all that he did!!!!
